  • Participants earn cash and prizes           for their participation
  • The data collected is 100% secure and stored in Australia
  • Receive only invitations that are relevant
  • Opt-Out at anytime
handing money


Cash paid to participants so far in FY2020.
money bag


Donated to the Salvation Army Bushfire Appeal on behalf of members.
CrackerJack provides an opportunity for rural and regional Australians to be heard.
By joining our online survey community, businesses large & small, industry bodies and government will hear what you have to say.  So many surveys currently in market reflect only the views of those living in metropolitan areas, however CrackerJack provides rural and regional Australia with a voice.

Surveys are completed online instead of by mail or phone, and provide the flexibility to complete at a time that suits you. In an average year we run approximately 25 research projects and you can decide if you would like to take part or not. You can choose to complete as many or as few surveys as you like.
The more surveys you complete the more opportunities you have to earn through incentives such as cash (via direct payment or as a prize draw) but we can also offer donations on your behalf to a number of charities such as the RFDS, Beyond Blue and Careflight. Rewards depend on the size of the survey and the amount of time it will take you to complete – most studies are 10 - 15 minutes in length.
In addition we also offer our members monthly prize draws (two $250 Eftpos cards to be won each month) if you complete a survey in the previous month. Competition terms and conditions can be found here.
If you are interested in joining our online community, please click the link below to complete your details. Please only fill in the fields that are relevant to you, otherwise please leave the fields blank. The information you provide us with allows us to only send you surveys which are relevant to you and your farming enterprise or interests.

We take your privacy very seriously and your information will remain completely confidential and will never be distributed to other companies. We are Australian owned, based in Australia and all you information is store securely in Australia.
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